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Social Media

We have two external and one internal social media platforms which we use at Stoneygate Nursery School; Instagram and Facebook are public profiles and Class Dojo is our internal platform that we use amongst our parents. We choose to use these platforms as a further line of communication to stay in touch with our parents and share the exciting things that we have been getting up to in nursery. 

Why not click on the links below, to be taken directly to our social media pages? 


    Stoneygate Nursery Instagram           Stoneygate Nursery Facebook


We recognise that social media is not a platform in which everyone chooses to use or be part of and so gaining parental consent is of upmost importance to us. We always ensure that we gain the correct permissions from you as your child enrols in our setting and follow this up by issuing annual parental consent forms, in order to stay up to date with permissions and accommodate any changing circumstances.